An individual applied for a position as a wildland firefighter through a third party but was told that they weren’t selected because the authority’s Wildland Fire Management branch rejected their application. When the individual contacted the authority to understand how they were involved in the hiring process, they received little information. They filed a complaint with our office alleging that the authority was unfairly involved in the third party’s hiring process.
The authority has agreements in place with Yukon First Nations with respect to the hiring of wildland firefighters. While the authority is not responsible for making these hiring decisions, they have a responsibility to ensure that prospective firefighters meet certain standards relevant to wildland firefighting. In keeping with that responsibility, the authority can make a recommendation to the hiring body about an applicant (e.g. if the standards have not been met). In this case, we found that the authority could not adequately demonstrate what, if any, recommendation they had made to the hiring body about the complainant.
Unfairness substantiated
Although the authority was not responsible for the hiring process, their recommendation still affected the complainant. Decisions that affect members of the public should be made in a manner that is administratively fair. This includes being able to demonstrate the basis upon which a decision is made and communicating this to the affected individual.
The authority agreed to develop a written policy reflecting the standards they evaluate, and to ensure that any comments made to hiring bodies are documented with clear reference to the policy standards. They also agreed to make this information available to the affected individuals.